
My name is Brandi and I am the maker behind The Happy Door!

Hi. It’s me in my craft room.

I have always had a love of home decor and enjoyed adding special touches throughout our home. I stumbled across felt flowers and starting making wreaths for my door for each season. It always made me happy to drive up to my house and see a pretty wreath hanging on the door. Friends started mentioning I should try selling them. So, in 2016 I gave it a try by opening an Etsy shop. As time passed my skills grew and my love of creating did, too!

Create What You Love and You’ll Love What You Do.

I have learned in creating that when you love what you do, it shows. When I head to my craft room it doesn’t feel like work. I have found an outlet that brings me so much joy. I hope when someone purchases something from me they see the love I put into my work.

These wreaths are some of my favorite color combinations.
I’ve created all different styles of wreaths@the_happy_door

In starting this blog I’m hoping to share some more of my work, tutorials and behind the scenes. I also plan on showing my craft space, home decor and other things that I love. Thank you for joining me in my journey!

10 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Congratulations on your new beautiful blog. I been following you on IG for some time and I have the privilege to own and gifted some of your pieces. Keep them coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely blog💕. You make amazing pieces. We are currently in the middle of a complete re-do of the front of our home. Once the new porch and doors go up, I’ll be looking to buy a wreath for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you made a blog Brandi! It’s no secret you are so talented in so many ways!💕💕💕 and I could tell you out a lot of love in my wreaths!

    Liked by 1 person

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