Spring in the She Shed

Once the temperature starts warming up I start switching over Winter decor to Spring. In North Carolina that starts happening in February. So, I was excited to make a few changes inside the she shed. I have lots of planting and some paint touch ups to do outside, but I will have to wait aContinue reading “Spring in the She Shed”

Swan Winter Mantle

I started collecting swans this past year and my collection just keeps growing! My mom gifted me two wooden swans and I knew I just had to incorporate them for a cozy winter mantle. I braided some yarn and made them scarves and from there I gathered some inspiration and ideas. I ordered some newContinue reading “Swan Winter Mantle”

Building My Dream She Shed

I have been dreaming of a She Shed for years! I have dropped hints to my family but never thought it would happen. Well, I guess dreams do come true! My husband is building me a She Shed! Let me tell you how this came about. We have a bonus room in our house thatContinue reading “Building My Dream She Shed”

Fall Home Tour

I am so happy it is Fall! It is my favorite season and I love decorating my home this time of year. The cozy additions make me want to stay home and bake pumpkin and apple treats. So, come along on a tour of our home! I love decorating my porch for Fall. Of course,Continue reading “Fall Home Tour”

DIY Striped Candles

I have recently been on a thrifting kick. I love finding a good deal and what better way than to head to the local thrift store and see what you find? So, when I recently went I found a candelabra/wreath/fruit THING (I’m not sure how else to describe it!) I took it home and deconstructedContinue reading “DIY Striped Candles”